#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Base class Publication
class Publication {
string title;
float price;
void get_data() {
cout << “Enter title: “;
getline(cin, title);
cout << “Enter price: “;
cin >> price;
void put_data() {
cout << “Title: ” << title << endl;
cout << “Price: ” << price << endl;
// Derived class Book
class Book : public Publication {
int pageCount;
void get_data() {
Publication::get_data(); // Call base class get_data()
cout << “Enter page count: “;
cin >> pageCount;
void put_data() {
Publication::put_data(); // Call base class put_data()
cout << “Page count: ” << pageCount << endl;
// Derived class Tape
class Tape : public Publication {
float playingTime;
void get_data() {
Publication::get_data(); // Call base class get_data()
cout << “Enter playing time (minutes): “;
cin >> playingTime; }
void put_data() {
Publication::put_data(); // Call base class put_data()
cout << “Playing time: ” << playingTime << ” minutes” << endl; }
int main() {
Book book;
Tape tape;
cout << “\nEnter book details:\n”;
cout << “\nEnter tape details:\n”;
cout << “\nBook details:\n”;
cout << “\nTape details:\n”;
return 0;
Enter book details:
Enter title: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Enter price: 250
Enter page count: 300
Enter tape details:
Enter title: The Jungle Book
Enter price: 180
Enter playing time (minutes): 90
Book details:
Title: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Price: 250
Page count: 300
Tape details:
Title: The Jungle Book
Price: 180
Playing time: 90 minutes
Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the code:
1. Headers and Namespace:
- #include <iostream>: Includes the iostream header for input/output operations.
- #include <string>: Includes the string header for string manipulation.
- using namespace std;: Brings the std namespace into scope for convenient use of its elements.
2. Base Class Publication:
- class Publication { … }: Defines the base class Publication, representing a general publication.
- protected: string title; float price;: Protected members accessible to derived classes, storing title and price.
- public: void get_data() { … }; void put_data() { … };: Public member functions to get input and display data.
3. Derived Class Book:
- class Book : public Publication { … }: Derived class representing a book, inheriting from Publication.
- private: int pageCount;: Private member to store page count.
- public: void get_data() { … }; void put_data() { … };: Overrides get_data() and put_data() to handle book-specific data.
4. Derived Class Tape:
- class Tape : public Publication { … }: Derived class representing an audio cassette, inheriting from Publication.
- private: float playingTime;: Private member to store playing time.
- public: void get_data() { … }; void put_data() { … };: Overrides get_data() and put_data() to handle tape-specific data.
5. Main Function:
- int main() { … }: The program’s entry point.
- Book book; Tape tape;: Creates objects of Book and Tape classes.
- **Prompts for input and calls get_data() for both objects.
- **Displays details using put_data() for both objects.
- return 0;: Indicates successful program termination.